
admin 阅读:478 2024-04-16 08:57:01 评论:0
# Translating "没什么" into English The phrase "没什么" can be translated into English as "nothing much" or "not much." It is often used in casual conversations to indicate that there is nothing significant or important to report or discuss. Depending on the context, it can also be translated as "no big deal" or "it's nothing." For example, if someone asks how your day was and you didn't do anything particularly noteworthy, you could respond with "没什么" to convey that there is nothing special to report. Similarly, if someone apologizes for a minor inconvenience, you could respond with "没什么" to indicate that it's not a big deal and you are not bothered by it. Overall, "没什么" is a versatile phrase that can be used in various situations to downplay the significance of something or to express that there is nothing of importance to discuss.

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